New year and Japanese hospitality
The Christmas lights waved their goodbyes as we welcomed the New Year |
I spent the new year in the best company with my friend, her Japanese husband and their son, also my godson. It was the most fun I have ever had at New Year and it was all due to relaxed friendly company.
We did quite ordinary New Year things. We popped open bottles of kids and adult's champagne and made a toast with shouts of "Kampai!". I learnt that if one were to go to Japan and try and toast with the English greeting "gin gin" one would get rather embarrassed looks as it means a man's private parts in Japanese. The things you learn.
We ate a lot of traditional Finnish New Year's food, which is pretty simple including sausages and potato salad. After we had eaten our stomachs full we decided to go outside and view the fireworks and the beautiful night sky. I showed my godson where Otava is, the only constellation that I can find in the night sky. I was reminded that maybe I should learn some more stars, as there are a lot of constellations that I can recognize but do not know the names of. It would be cool to look at the night sky and make some sense of the universe around us.
After spilling enough zombie brains it was coming towards the turn of the decade so my friend's husband went to make us a nice warm bowl of soba, for new year. Apparently soba is a traditional japanese dish for new year, and as the clock turned twelve we made a toast again and slurped up the delicious dish of noodles.
After a lovely evening together it was a time to go to bed, and I was greeted in my bed by four cuddly animals, graciously lent to me by my godson so I could sleep well. I lay smiling in bed thinking about the fun evening and looking back at the year 2019 and wondering what 2020 would bring into my life.
To celebrate the end 2019 here are 19 things that I am grateful for about last year:
1. My family
2. My friends
3. Travels to islands
4. Feeling joy and a love for life and the people around me
5. Being able to attend so many cool improv workshops and connecting with other improvisers
6. Espoo goes Impro -festival, where I felt very loved and accepted as a teacher and improviser
7. Deep conversations with people
8. Overcoming the feelings of failure and disappointment
9. Laughing with my grandmother and great aunt
10. Being able to spend time with my dog brother
11. Rehearsing and practising with Jenni for Jeeves!
12. Reconnecting with old friends
13. Despite breaking my ankle, being relatively healthy
14. Because of the broken ankle, having a break to think and breathe
15. An open mic where I spoke the truth and it moved people, that moved also me.
16. Feeling hopeful
17. Being open about my feelings
18. Finishing some sort of a version of my thesis
19. To be able to end it in such great company
What are you happy about in your life right now? What sort of dreams do you have for the future? I hope to have many new adventures with the people that I love. Perhaps we will share some adventures this year? Let me know, if you'd like that, and we can plan some adventures together :)
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