Good vibes in Telliskivi

Jenni sipping her coffee at cafe Fika in Tellsikivi

Tallinn, oh Tallinn, every time you show me something new to fall in love with. This time it was your delicious food, the exciting Telliskivi area and your welcoming atmosphere that made the trip special.

 I was on an improv adventure in Tallinn at the beginning of June, with my improv partner Jenni and her husband. It was really lovely to travel with them and we had a lot of fun. Later on in Saturday we were joined by Sami who we also did a trio show with. 

We took the 9 am ferry from Helsinki and spent our time on the boat sipping coffee and tea, and playing a board game that I brought with me (the addictive code braking game Da Vinci Code). We were joined by Jenni's father and his wife for part of the boat trip and playing a board game is a really easy way to socialise with people you have just met. When in Tallinn, we bought travel cards for the public transport. Tallinn is very easily walkable as well, but we wanted to save our energy for the show in the evening so we took the tram to explore the city and especially the hip Telliskivi area. Telliskivi proved to be a fun and inspiring place. It had lots of pop up style restaurants, and cool cafes. There was also a large range of boutique shops selling local handicrafts and other beautiful things. For shopping alone, this place is a paradise if you like good quality products with a reasonable price. I brought home some beautifully bound poetry books for 6 euros. The Telliskivi area also hosted a flea market on Saturday, and we found some new (old) pieces to compliment our wardrobe. 
After an afternoon of fun in the Telliskivi we headed to Old Town to check in at our hostel to prepare for our show for the evening. I couldn't resist half an hours nap at the cosy hostel bed before we left for the show venue. 
We were greeted at the Tallinn English Improv night with open arms and we had a lovely time, performing our show and the trio show "Third Wheel" to the local audience. Afterwards we talked about love, life, and what makes it worth living. Late in the night I fell back into my hostel bed, tired and happy.

The next day, we woke late and only had a few hours to enjoy the city before the boat was to leave back to Helsinki. We searched tripadvisor for good vegan cafes and ended up at a cute little cafe for breakfast. Afterwards we roamed the city streets and saw the entrance to the city walls and decided to have a little adventure climbing the walls. From the walls we could see the rooftops of the city. Tallinn, there is so much to explore, and yet it feels like home. I love it. 

We went on an adventure on the city wall (tickets 3e)

Tips for a trip to Tallinn

- When you get on the boat go and reserve a table from a cafe. This can serve as a good base for your group for the rest of the trip.

- Bring a pack of cards or a small board game with you to pass the time on the boat

- You can buy a travel card for 5 euros at R-kioski from the Tallinn terminal. That will give you a day of unlimited travel with public transport in Tallinn. Additional days cost 3e / day.

- If you like walking, Tallinn is really easily walkable as well. Especially the old town is lovely for walking (although some roads might be challenging for people with disabilities)

- Try the Telliskivi area for some fun food, cool cafes and good quality handicraft shops

- Don't be afraid to pop into museums to check if they tickle your fancy. They might be more affordable than you think.

Rhubard & Raspberry lemonade (3e)

Berrie smoothie bowl at Raven cafe served in a coconut (5e)

Raven Cafe in Tallinn Old town

Organic ice cream from La Muu (2e)

We ate at:

Spice Wagon, Telliskivi, Indian food with plenty of vegetarian options
La Muu, Telliskivi, organic ice cream place
Fika, Telliskivi, good coffee for coffee lovers
Mini burgers, Old town, c. 14 e for 3 mini burgers, veggie version was good
Raven cafe, Old town, Cute little cafe great for a breakfast

What are your Tallinn favourites? Do you know any places that serve delicious food there?


  1. OOOOH! Hyvältä näyttää! Tallinna on ihana ja tutkittavaa riittää joka kerta. Jos on yhtään enemmän aikaa, niin suuntaan Karnaluks-käsityötukkuun.


    1. Tallinna on niin ihana. <3 Harmittaa kun nyt tässä kuussa jää Tallinnan reissu tekemättä kun jalka on kipsissä, mutta pitäis varmaan loppuvuodesta mennä. Ootko koskaan käynyt siellä joulutoreilla?


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